1. The Uptime Institute, “Heat Density Trends in Data Processing, Computer Systems and Telecommunication Equipment” (white paper), www.uptimeinstitute.org.
2. Schmidt, R., 2001, “Effect of Data Center Characteristics on Data Processing Equipment Inlet Temperatures,” Advances in Electronic Packaging 2001 (Proc. of IPACK ’01, The Pacific Rim/ASME International Electronic Packaging Technical Conference and Exhibition), Kauai, July, ASME, New York, Vol. 2, ASME Paper No. IPACK2001-15870, pp. 1097–1106.
3. Schmidt, R., and Cruz, E., 2002, “Raised Floor Computer Data Center: Effect on Rack Inlet Temperatures of Chilled Air Exiting Both the Hot and Cold Aisles,” Proceedings of Itherm Conference, San Diego, June, pp. 580–594.
4. Schmidt, R., and Cruz, E., 2002, “Raised Floor Computer Data Center: Effect on Rack Inlet Temperatures When High Powered Racks are Situated Amongst Lower Powered Racks,” IMECE Conference, New Orleans, Nov., ASME New York.
5. Schmidt, R., and Cruz, E., 2003, “Raised Floor Computer Data Center: Effect on Rack Inlet Temperatures When Adjacent Racks are Removed,” Interpack Conference, Maui, July (to be published).