The MED-CSD Project: Potential for Concentrating Solar Power Desalination Development in Mediterranean Countries


Moser Massimo1,Trieb Franz2,Kern Jürgen3,Allal Houda,Cottret Nicolas4,Scharfe Jürgen5,Tomasek Marie-Luise5,Savoldi Enrico6


1. German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Technical Thermodynamics, Pfaffenwaldring 38-40, Stuttgart 70569, Germany

2. DLR, Institute of Technical Thermodynamics, Stuttgart 70569, Germany

3. Kernenergien – The Solar Power Company, Olgastr. 131, Stuttgart 70180, Germany

4. Observatoire Méditerranéen de l’Energie (OME), 103-105 Rue des Trois Fontanot, Nanterre 92000, France

5. INVEN Engineering GmbH, Mozartstr. 22, 85435 Erding, Germany

6. Renewable Energy Business Development Manager TECHINT, Via Monte Rosa 93, Milan 20149, Italy


Within the MED-CSD project, feasibility studies of integrated hybrid concentrating solar power (CSP) and seawater desalination (DES) plants were carried out in selected locations in Morocco, Italy, Cyprus, Egypt and Gaza/West Bank. After a review on CSP and desalination technologies, ten typical sites within the five partner countries have been selected. For each location, a CSP-DES plant was modeled. The model bases on hourly time series of solar irradiance, ambient temperature, as well as wind speed and includes local seasonal and hourly load curves for power and water. Surplus thermal energy from the solar field is fed into the energy storage, so that operation is possible at night and during cloud transients; gaps between demand and solar power production are covered by cofiring with fossil fuel. Different plant components (solar field collectors and desalination technologies) have been compared. A techno-economic model is applied in order to analyze the economic feasibility and the required financial framework conditions of the projects. Furthermore, an analysis of the market potential of concentrating solar power for sea water desalination in the Mediterranean Region and socio-economic and environmental impact analyses were implemented.


ASME International


Energy Engineering and Power Technology,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment

Reference12 articles.

1. Trieb, F., Schillings, C., Viebahn, P., Paul, C., Altowaie, H., Sufian, T., Alnaser, W., Kabariti, M., Shahin, W., Bennouna, A., Nokraschy, H., Kern, J., Knies, G., El Bassam, N., Hasairi, I., Haddouche, A., Glade, H., and Aliewi, A., 2007, “AQUA-CSP: Concentrating Solar Power for Seawater Desalination,” German Aerospace Center (DLR), Study for the German Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Stuttgart.

2. Allal, H., Cottret, N., Trieb, F., Moser, M., Soler, R., Tusseau, M., Scharfe, J., Tomasek, M. L., Kern, J., David, I., and Savoldi, E., 2010, “MED-CSD—Combined Solar Power and Desalination Plants: Techno-Economic Potential in Mediterranean Partner Countries,” Project Final Report, Paris, Grant no: 213824.

3. Spellmann, H., Fananas Martinez, L., and Karnick, A., 2009, “The CSP Industry: An Awakening Giant,” Deutsche Bank CSP Industry Report, London.

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