1. DARPA/Navy, “Ceramic Gas Turbine Engine Demonstration Program,” Contract No. N00024-76-C-5352, 1976–1981.
2. USAF, “Ceramic Components for Turbine Engines Program,” Contract No. 33615-77-C-5171, 1979–1982.
3. DOE/NASA, “Advanced Gas Turbine AGT101 Engine Program,” Contract No. DEN3-167, 1980–1987.
4. DOE/NASA, “Advanced Turbine Technology Applications Project ATTAP/AGT101 Program,” Contract No. DEN3-335, 1987–1992.
5. Strangman, T. E., and Fox, D. S., “Strength Retention of NT154 Silicon Nitride Exposed to High-Temperature Oxidation and Hot Corrosion Environments,” presented at the 184th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, New Orleans, LA, Oct. 12, 1993; AlliedSignal Engines Rept. No. 31–11623.