1. Nuti, M., and Martorano, L., 1985, “Short-Circuit Ratio Evaluation in the Scavenging of Two-Stroke S. I. Engines,” SAE 850177.
2. Schweitzer, P. H., and DeLuca, F., Jr., 1941, “The Tracer Gas Method of Determining the Charging Efficiency of Two-Stroke-Cycle Diesel Engines,” National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), Technical Note No. 838.
3. Irish, J. S., Karl, R. D., Keller, H. B., and Waldron, A. L., 1949, “Measurement of Scavenging Efficiency in the Two Stroke Engine: A Comparison and Analysis of Methods,” Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA.
4. Isigami, S., Tanaka, Y., and Tamari, M., 1963, “The Trapping Efficiency Measurement of Two Stroke Cycle Diesel Engine by Tracer Gas Method,” JSME, 6, No. 23.
5. Huber, E. W., 1971, “Measuring the Trapping Efficiency of Internal Combustion Engines Through Continuous Exhaust Gas Analysis,” SAE 710144.