1. ASME, 1989, American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1.
2. Bickford, J. H., 1990, An Introduction to the Design and Behavior of Bolted Joints, Marcel Dekker, Inc., 2nd Edition.
3. Blake, A., 1986, What Every Engineer Should Know About Threaded Fasteners, Marcel Dekker.
4. Edwards, K. J., and McKee, R. B., 1991, Fundamentals of Mechanical Component Design, 1st Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.
5. Gould, M. M., and Mikic, B. B., 1972, “Areas of Contact and Pressure Distribution in Bolted Joints,” Trans. ASME, pp. 864–870.