1. Kelleher, M. D., and Yovanovich, M. M., 1981, “Heat Transfer in Electronic Equipment,” ASME HTD-Vol. 20.
2. Yovanovich, M. M., 1991, “Theory and Applications of Constriction and Spreading Resistance Concepts for Microelectronic Thermal Management,” Cooling Techniques for Computers, ed., W. Aung, Hemisphere Publ. Corp., Washington, DC, pp. 277–332.
3. Yovanovich, M. M., Lee, S., and Gayowsky, T. J., 1992, “Approximate Analytic Solution of Laminar Forced Convection from an Isothermal Plate,” AIAA Pap., 92-0248.
4. Yovanovich, M. M., 1983, “Non-Iterative Control Volume Approach to One-Dimensional Steady Conduction with Convection—Applications to Extended Surfaces, Heat Transfer in Electronic Equipment,” Proc., ASME Symposium, Boston, MA, pp. 59–69.
5. Ahmed, G. R., and Yovanovich, M. M., 1992, “Numerical Study of Natural Convection from Discrete Heat Sources in a Vertical Square Enclosure,” J. Thermophys. Heat Transfer, 6, pp. 121–12; also, AIAA Paper 90-0256.