1. Consultant, AFCEN, Lyon, France
Large uncertainties exist in fatigue life evaluation using existing elastic stress analysis.
The usage factor is obtained by comparison of strain amplitude evaluation on different points of the components and the fatigue S-N curve of the material.
This paper will review existing codified rules in major nuclear Codes that are proposed as simplified elastic-plastic analysis of strain amplitude.
The different formulas proposed by the different Codes are described with their own background document and compared on typical cases.
Methods are based on simplified elastic-plastic approach (elastic analysis plus correction factor) with associated material data.
The Code comparison includes nuclear Codes, as ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section III, French RCC-M and RCC-MRx and German KTA; Russian PNAEG Code and JSME rules are also considered based on specific English version of the Codes for fatigue rules.
Two types of components are concerned by the comparison: vessels and piping systems.
All these Codes are proposing different Ke and Kv rules based on different assumption.
Finally, a first set of recommendation to perform reference inelastic analysis will be presented to improve existing codes on an harmonized way, associated to analytical recommendations, all material properties needed and criteria to apply this modern methods.
This review is mainly done in World Nuclear Association (WNA), Cooperation in Reactor Design Evaluation and Licensing (CORDEL) Working Group, Codes & Standards Task Force.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
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2 articles.