A Parametric Study of an Exhaust Recovery Turbogenerator on a Diesel-Electric Hybrid Bus


Briggs Ian1,McCullough Geoffrey1,Spence Stephen1,Douglas Roy1,O’Shaughnessy Richard1,Hanna Alister2,Rouaud Cedric3,Seaman Rachel4


1. Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast, UK

2. Wrightbus Ltd., Ballymena, UK

3. Ricardo UK Ltd., Shoreham-by-Sea, UK

4. Revolve Technologies Ltd., Brentwood, UK


The fuel consumption of automotive vehicles has become a prime consideration to manufacturers and operators as fuel prices continue to rise steadily, and legislation governing toxic emissions becomes ever more strict. This is particularly true for bus operators as government fuel subsidies are cut or removed. In an effort to reduce the fuel consumption of a diesel-electric hybrid bus, an exhaust recovery turbogenerator has been selected from a wide ranging literature review as the most appropriate method of recovering some of the wasted heat in the exhaust line. This paper examines the effect on fuel consumption of a turbogenerator applied to a 2.4-litre diesel engine. A validated one-dimensional engine model created using Ricardo WAVE was used as a baseline, and was modified in subsequent models to include a turbogenerator downstream, and in series with, the turbocharger turbine. A fuel consumption map of the modified engine was produced, and an in-house simulation tool was then used to examine the fuel economy benefit delivered by the turbogenerator on a bus operating on various drive-cycles. A parametric study is presented which examined the performance of turbogenerators of various size and power output. The operating strategy of the turbogenerator was also discussed with a view to maximising turbine efficiency at each operating point. The performance of the existing turbocharger on the hybrid bus was also investigated; both the compressor and turbine were optimised and the subsequent benefits to the fuel consumption of the vehicle were shown. The final configuration is then presented and the overall improvement in fuel economy of the hybrid bus was determined over various drive-cycles.


American Society of Mechanical Engineers

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