Low Load Operation Range Extension by Autothermal On-Board Syngas Generation


Baumgärtner Max H.1,Sattelmayer Thomas2


1. Lehrstuhl für Thermodynamik, Technische Universität München, Garching D-85747, Germany e-mail:

2. Lehrstuhl für Thermodynamik, Technische Universität München, Garching D-85747, Germany


The increasing amount of volatile renewable energy sources drives the necessity of flexible conventional power plants to compensate for fluctuations of the power supply. Gas turbines in a combined cycle power plant (CCPP) adjust the power output quickly but a sudden increase of CO and unburned hydrocarbons emissions limits their turn-down ratio. To extend the turn-down ratio, part of the fuel can be processed to syngas, which exerts a higher reactivity. An autothermal on-board syngas generator in combination with two different burner concepts for natural gas (NG) and syngas mixtures is presented in this study. A mixture of NG, water vapor, and air reacts catalytically in an autothermal reactor test rig to form syngas. At atmospheric pressure, the fuel processor generates syngas with a hydrogen content of −30 vol % and a temperature of 800 K within a residence time of 200 ms. One concept for the combustion of NG and syngas mixtures comprises a generic swirl stage with a central lance injector for the syngas. The second concept includes a central swirl stage with an outer ring of jets. The combustion is analyzed for both concepts by OH*-chemiluminescence, lean blow out (LBO) limit, and gaseous emissions. The central lance concept with syngas injection exhibits an LBO adiabatic flame temperature that is 150 K lower than in premixed NG operation. For the second concept, an extension of almost 200 K with low CO emission levels can be reached. This study shows that autothermal on-board syngas generation is feasible and efficient in terms of turn-down ratio extension and CO burn-out.


ASME International


Mechanical Engineering,Energy Engineering and Power Technology,Aerospace Engineering,Fuel Technology,Nuclear Energy and Engineering

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