1. Technical University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania
Profitability of water distribution activity depends largely on the relationships between operational capability and service costs, related to supplier’s performance, volume of distributed water and effective operating costs. The main variables that influence the total selling price are required investment value, specific consumption of electrical energy for pumping power, unit price of the electrical energy and total volume of monthly consumed water billed. The selection of rehabilitation and modernization measures must rely on market studies results that appropriately establish the quantities of water that may be distributed and billed. Present and future water requirements will be determined based on the analysis of actual operation data and on estimation of future trends in water consumption on national and international levels. The optimization calculation will use two target functions: total maximum efficiency and total electric power consumption required for transport of each cubic meter of supplied water, and cubic meter of sewage water, respectively. The mathematical methods may be improved by taking into account all active consumers in the network with simultaneous water requirements, at each moment of the day. Using several original mathematical algorithms, authors developed a computer program that calculates the functional parameters of the ensemble pumping station – hydrophore – pipe distribution network, as well as the available consumer parameters. This may be accomplished at each moment in time, depending on the number of active consumers simultaneously connected to the supply network, in the hypothesis of a minimum price of cubic meter of pumped water. This paper proposes a solution of the problem of reducing production costs for supplied domestic water, which directly affects the reduction of the electric power consumption.
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2 articles.