1. Report of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Piping Review Committee, 1984, “Evaluation of Postulated Pipe Breaks,” NUREG-1061, Vol. 3, Prepared by the Pipe Break Task Group.
2. International Atomic Energy Agency, 1993, “Applicability of the Leak Before Break Concept,” IAEA-TECDOC 710, Report of the IAEA Extra Budgetary Program on the Safety of WWER-440 Model-230 Nuclear Power Plants.
3. International Atomic Energy Agency, 1994, “Guidance for the Application of the Leak Before Break Concept,” IAEA-TECDOC 774, Report of the IAEA Extra Budgetary Program on the Safety of WWER-440 Model-230 Nuclear Power Plants.
4. Scott, P., Wilson, M., Olson, R., Marschall, C., Schmidt, R., and Wilkowski, G., 1994, “Stability of Cracked Pipe Under Inertial Stresses,” NUREG/CR-6233, Vol. 1, Report prepared for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
5. Kramer, G., Vieth, P., Marschall, C., Francini, R., and Wilkowski, G., 1997, “Stability of Cracked Pipe under Seismic/Dynamic Displacement-Controlled Stresses,” NUREG/CR-6233, Vol. 2, Report prepared for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.