Stall Warning Approach With Application to Stall Precursor-Suppressed Casing Treatment


Fanyu Li1,Jun Li1,Xu Dong2,Dakun Sun2,Xiaofeng Sun2


1. Air Force Engineering University, Xi'an, China

2. Beihang University, Beijing, China


The present work develops a stall warning approach with application to a stall enhancement system. This technique is proposed on the basis of the periodicity of pressure signals sampled by the dynamic pressure sensor which is located on the casing wall at the rotor leading edge. A parameter called Rc, defined to evaluate this periodicity, is calculated by pressure signals within 1 blade pitches in the current one and previous one shaft period. Statistical estimates are implemented on Rc within statistical windows which move with sampling. The probabilities of Rc less than a threshold Rcth are calculated and used as a criterion for stall warning. Experiments are carried out on a low speed compressor with a stall precursor-suppressed (SPS) casing treatment, an efficient stall enhancement system. Results show that the probability increases significantly when the stall boundary is approached. At the same work point, the value of probability will decrease when the SPS casing treatment is turned on. This approach successfully generates a stall warning signal and then triggers the SPS casing treatment when the stall margin needs to be extended.


American Society of Mechanical Engineers

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