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2. NRC Bulletin No. 88-11, 1988, “Pressurizer Surge Line Thermal Stratification,” USNRC.
3. Smith, W. R., Cassell, D. S., and Schlereth, E. P., 1988, “A Solution for the Temperature Distribution in a Pipe Wall Subjected to Internally Stratified Flow,” Proc., Joint ASME-ANS Nuclear Power Conf., Myrtle Beach, SC, pp. 45–50.
4. Talja, A., and Hansjosten, E., 1990, “Results of Thermal Stratification Tests in a Horizontal Pipe Line at the HDR-Facility,” Nucl. Eng. Des., 118, pp. 29–41.
5. Ensel, C., Colas, A., and Barthez, M., 1995, “Stress Analysis of a 900 MW Pressurizer Surge Line Including Stratification Effects,” Nucl. Eng. Des., 153, pp. 197–203.