1. Mem. ASME National Institute of Standards and Technology, Applied Chemicals and Materials Division, 325 Broadway m/s 647, Boulder, CO 80305 e-mail:
2. National Institute of Standards and Technology, Applied Chemicals and Materials Division, 325 Broadway m/s 647, Boulder, CO 80305 e-mail:
3. Mem. ASME Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Alabama, 401 7th Avenue, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 e-mail:
4. Mem. ASME Louis Hayden Associates, 1301 Bonnie Avenue, Bethlehem, PA 18017 e-mail:
5. Mem. ASME DGS Metallurgical Solutions, 15003 NE 10th Street, Vancouver, WA 98684 e-mail:
6. National Institute of Standards and Technology, Office of Information Systems Management, 325 Broadway m/s 187, Boulder, CO 80305 e-mail: