1. Center for Modeling of Turbulence and Transition, ICOMP, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH 44135
A numerical investigation is reported of turbulent incompressible jets confined in two ducts, one cylindrical and the other conical with a 5 deg divergence. In each case, three Craya-Curtet numbers are considered which correspond, respectively, to flow situations with no, moderate, and strong recirculation. Turbulence closure is achieved by using the K-ε model and a recently proposed realizable Reynolds stress algebraic equation model. Calculations are carried out with a finite-volume procedure. Second-order accurate differencing schemes and sufficiently fine grids are used to ensure numerical accuracy. The calculated results are compared with experimental data. It is shown that the numerical methods presented are capable of capturing the essential flow features observed in the experiments and that the realizable Reynolds stress algebraic equation model performs better than the K-ε model for this class of flows.
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7 articles.