VIVACE (Vortex Induced Vibration Aquatic Clean Energy): A New Concept in Generation of Clean and Renewable Energy From Fluid Flow


Bernitsas Michael M.12,Raghavan Kamaldev2,Ben-Simon Y.2,Garcia E. M. H.2


1. Fellow ASME

2. Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, University of Michigan, 2600 Draper, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2145


Any device aiming to harness the abundant clean and renewable energy from ocean and other water resources must have high energy density, be unobtrusive, have low maintenance, be robust, meet life cycle cost targets, and have a 10–20year life. The vortex induced vibration aquatic clean energy (VIVACE) converter—invented by Bernitsas and Raghavan, patent pending through the University of Michigan—satisfies those criteria. It converts ocean/river current hydrokinetic energy to a usable form of energy such as electricity using VIV successfully and efficiently for the first time. VIVACE is based on the idea of maximizing rather than spoiling vortex shedding and exploiting rather than suppressing VIV. It introduces optimal damping for energy conversion while maintaining VIV over a broad range of vortex shedding synchronization. VIV occurs over very broad ranges of Reynolds (Re) number. Only three transition regions suppress VIV. Thus, even from currents as slow as 0.25m∕s, VIVACE can extract energy with high power conversion ratio making ocean/river current energy a more accessible and economically viable resource. In this paper, the underlying concepts of the VIVACE converter are discussed. The designs of the physical model and laboratory prototype are presented. A mathematical model is developed, and design particulars for a wide range of application scales are calculated. Experimental measurements on the laboratory prototype are reported in the sequel paper and used here for preliminary benchmarking.


ASME International


Mechanical Engineering,Ocean Engineering

Reference48 articles.

1. Ocean Energies: Resources and Utilization;Pontes

2. Bernitsas, M. M., and Raghavan, K., 2004, “Converter of Current/Tide/Wave Energy,” Provisional Patent Application, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Serial No. 60/628,252.

3. Bernitsas, M. M., and Raghavan, K., 2005 “Supplement to the U.S. Provisional Patent Application titled `Converter of Current, Tide, or Wave Energy',” University of Michigan Ref. No. 2973.

4. Bernitsas, M. M., and Raghavan, K., 2005, “Fluid Motion Energy Converter,” U.S. Patent Application, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Serial No. 11/272,504.







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