A Simplified Two-Group Multipoint Kinetics Model


Pradhan Santosh K.1,Obaidurrahman K.1,Iyer Kannan N.2


1. Nuclear Safety Analysis and Research Group, Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, Mumbai 400094, India

2. Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Bombay, Mumbai 400076, India


Abstract Detailed multiphysics modeling of nuclear power plants has become a necessity in the era of best-estimate analysis. For a number of transients with strong coupling between the neutronics in the reactor core and the fluid-dynamics in the primary circuit and overall heat transfer, it is required to carry out coupled system thermal hydraulics and core three-dimensional (3D) neutronics analysis. Point kinetics approach in the system thermal-hydraulics (TH) code RELAP5 limits its use for many reactivity-induced transients, which involve asymmetric core behavior. In a recent development, a simplified multipoint kinetics model has been coupled with system TH code RELAP5 to circumvent its inadequacy for the analysis of reactivity-induced transients involving asymmetric core behavior. The objective of this paper is to validate the simplified multipoint kinetics model against an asymmetric fast transient benchmark problem in a large power reactor. Time-step and nodalization sensitivity studies have been performed. It is demonstrated that the multipoint kinetics model results are in good agreement with the benchmark, advocating its applicability.


ASME International


Nuclear Energy and Engineering,Radiation

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