1. Bolland, O., and Veer, T. , 2003, “Centenary of the First Gas Turbine to Give Net Power Output: A Tribute to Ægidius Elling,” presented (with no paper) at the ASME Turbo Expo, http:∕∕www.tev.ntnu.no∕Olav.Bolland∕publica.htm
2. Wilcox, E.C., and Trout, A.M. , 1950, “Analysis of Thrust Augmentation of Turbojet Engines by Water Injection at Compressor Inlet Including Charts for Calculating Compression Processes With Water Injection,” Technical Report No. 1006, NACA.
3. White, A.J., and Meacock, A.J. , 2003, “An Evaluation of the Effects of Water Injection on Compressor Performance,” ASME Paper GT-2003-38237.
4. Zhluktov, S.V., Bram, S., and De Ruyck, J. , 2001, “Injection of Water Droplets in an Axial Compressor,”Proceedings of the Fifth World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, and Thermodynamics, Thessaloniki, Greece, Sept., pp. 1415–1420.
5. MAT, a novel, open cycle gas turbine for power augmentation