1. Combustion Turbine Engineering, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Orlando, FL 32826
2. AEDC Group, Sverdrup Technology, Inc., Arnold Air Force Base, TN 37389
With the recent trend of reducing U.S. military expenditures, it has become desirable to develop dual use of certain Department of Defense facilities. These efforts have a commercial purpose, while still retaining a military benefit. The goals of these efforts are to make U.S. business more competitive in world markets, to develop the technology to solve pressing national problems, and to maintain intact the necessary talent pool and equipment for possible military needs. In a recent initiative described in this paper, test cell equipment at the Arnold Engineering Development Center, Arnold AFB, Tennessee, was modified and expanded to allow development by the Westinghouse Electric Corporation of low-emission combustors for heavy-duty gas turbines for commercial power generation.
Mechanical Engineering,Energy Engineering and Power Technology,Aerospace Engineering,Fuel Technology,Nuclear Energy and Engineering
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