1. Bailey
W. N.
, 1936, “On the Product of Two Legendre Polynomials with Different Arguments,” Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, Series 2, Vol. 41, pp. 215–220.
2. Cayley, A., 1961, An Elementary Treatise on Elliptic Functions, Dover, New York.
3. Cruse
T. A.
, SnowD. W., WilsonR. B., 1977, “Numerical Solutions in Axisymmetric Elasticity,” Computers & Structures, Vol. 7, pp. 445–451.
4. Cullity, B. D., 1972, Introduction to Magnetic Materials, Reading, Addison-Wesley, MA.
5. Erde´lyi, A., Magnus, W., Oberhettinger, F., and Tricomi, F. G., 1953, Higher Transcendental Functions, McGraw-Hill, New York (there is a typo in Eq. (11), page 100, Vol. II).