1. Pratt and Whitney, 400 Main Street, East Hartford, CT 06108
In the past, a typical way of executing simulations in a real-time environment had been to use transfer function models, state-variable models, or reduced-order aero-thermodynamic models. These models are typically not as accurate as the conventional full-fidelity aero-thermodynamic simulations used as a basis for the generation of real-time models. Also, there is a cost associated with the creation and maintenance of these derived real-time models. The ultimate goal is to use the high fidelity aero-thermodynamic simulation as the real-time model. However, execution of the high fidelity aero-thermodynamic simulation in a real-time environment is a challenging objective since accuracy of the simulation cannot be sacrificed to optimize execution speed, yet execution speed still has to be limited by some means to fit into real-time constraint. This paper discusses the methodology used to resolve this challenge, thereby enabling use of a contemporary turbofan engine high fidelity aero-thermodynamic simulation in real-time environments. This publication reflects the work that was initially presented at the ASME Turbo Expo 2011 (Fuksman and Sirica, 2011, “Real-Time Execution of a High Fidelity Aero-Thermodynamic Turbofan Engine Simulation,” ASME Turbo Expo, Jun. 6-10, Vancouver, Canada, Paper No. GT2011-46661).
Mechanical Engineering,Energy Engineering and Power Technology,Aerospace Engineering,Fuel Technology,Nuclear Energy and Engineering
Reference10 articles.
1. SAE S-15 Committee, 2001, “Real-Time Modeling Methods for Gas Turbine Engine Performance,” Society of Automotive Engineers, Report No. AIR 4548 Revision A.
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Cited by
10 articles.