A Study of Casing Treatment Stall Margin Improvement Phenomena


Prince D. C.1,Wisler D. C.1,Hilvers D. E.1


1. General Electric Co., Cincinnati, OH


The results of a program of experimental and analytical research in casing treatments over axial compressor rotor blade tips are presented. Circumferential groove, axial-skewed slot, and blade angle slot treatments were tested at low speeds. With the circumferential groove treatment the stalling flow was reduced 5.8 percent at negligible efficiency sacrifice. The axial-skewed slot treatment improved the stalling flow by 15.3 percent; 1.8 points in peak efficiency were sacrificed. The blade angle slot treatment improved the stalling flow by 15.0 percent; 1.4 points in peak efficiency were sacrificed. These values are consistent with previous experience at transonic speeds. The favorable stalling flow situations correlated well with observations of higher-than-normal surface pressures on the rotor blade pressure surfaces in the tip region, and with increased maximum diffusions on the suction surfaces. Annulus wall pressure gradients, especially in the 50 to 75 percent chord region, are also increased and blade surface pressure loadings are shifted toward the trailing edge for treated configurations. Rotor blade wakes may be somewhat thinner in the presence of good treatments, particularly under operating conditions close to the baseline stall. Annulus wall boundary layer profiles are only slightly influenced by casing treatment.


American Society of Mechanical Engineers

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