Stoneley Wave Generation in Joined Materials With and Without Thermal Relaxation Due to Thermal Mismatch


Brock L. M.12


1. Fellow ASME

2. Mechanical Engineering, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506


Two perfectly bonded, thermoelastic half-spaces differ only in their thermal parameters. Their governing equations include as special cases the Fourier heat conduction model and models with either one or two thermal relaxation times. An exact solution in transform space for the problem of line loads applied to the interface is obtained. Even though the elastic properties of the half-spaces are identical, a Stoneley function arises, and conditions for the existence of roots are more restrictive than for the isothermal case of two elastically dissimilar half-spaces. Moreover, roots may be either real or imaginary. An exact expression for the time transform of the Stoneley residue contribution to interface temperature change is derived. Asymptotic results for the inverse that, valid for either very short or very long times after load application, is obtained and show that, for long times, residue contributions for all three special cases obey Fourier heat conduction. Short-time results are sensitive to case differences. In particular, a time step load produces a propagating step in temperature for the Fourier and double-relaxation time models, but a propagating impulse for the single-relaxation time model.


ASME International


Mechanical Engineering,Mechanics of Materials,Condensed Matter Physics

Reference22 articles.

1. Reflection and Refraction of Progressive Seismic Waves

2. Mechanics of Composite Materials

3. Elastic Waves at the Surface of Separation of Two Solids;Stoneley;Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A

4. On the Propagation of Tremors over the Surface of an Elastic Solid;Lamb;Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London, Ser. A

5. Thermoelasticity, the Dynamical Theory;Chadwick







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