1. Numerical Investigation of the Impact of Part-Span Connectors on Aero-Thermodynamics in a Low Pressure Industrial Steam Turbine,2014
2. Häfele, M., Vogt, D. M., and Drozdowski, R., 2014, “Numerical Modelling of a Three Stage Low Pressure Industrial Steam Turbine With Part-Span Connectors,” ANSYS Conference & 32nd CADFEM Users' Meeting, Nuremberg, Germany, June 4–6.
3. Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Nonlinear Vibrational Behavior of Steam Turbine Last Stage Blades With Friction Bolt Damping Elements,2015
4. Drozdowski, R., Völker, L., Häfele, M., and Vogt, D. M., 2015, “Numerical and Experimental Analysis of LP Steam Turbine Blades Coupled With Lacing Wire,” 11th European Conference on Turbomachinery, Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, Madrid, Spain, Mar. 23–27, Paper No. ETC2015-105.
5. Flow in a 320 MW Low-Pressure Section: Theoretical and Experimental Evaluation,1980