1. Heshmat, H., 1994, “On the Theory of Quasi-Hydrodynamic Mechanism of Powder Lubrication with Dry Powder: Application to Development of High-Speed Journal Bearings for Hostile Environments,” presented at the 20th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Dissipative Processes in Tribology, Lyon, France, 7–10 Sept. 1993, Elsevier Science Publisher, Tribology Series 23.
2. Heshmat, H., 1993, “Wear Reduction Systems for Coal-Fueled Diesel Engines—Part II The Experimental Results and Hydrodynamic Model of Powder Lubrication,” 9th International Conf. of Wear of Materials, Apr. 1993, San Francisco, CA; Wear Elsevier Sequoia, 162–164, pp. 508–517.
3. Heshmat
, 1992a, “The Quasi-Hydrodynamic Mechanism of Powder Lubrication—Part I: Lubricant Flow Visualization,” STLE 46th Annual Meeting, April-May 1991, Paper No. 91-AM-4D-1, Journal of STLE, Vol. 48, No. 2, pp. 96–104.
4. Heshmat
, 1992b, “The Quasi-Hydrodynamic Mechanism of Powder Lubrication—Part II: Lubricant Film Pressure Profile,” STLE/ASME Tribology Conf., St. Louis, Missouri, October 14–16, 1991, Journal of STLE, Vol. 48, No. 5, pp. 373–383.
5. Heshmat, H., and Brewe, D. E., 1992, “On Some Experimental Rheological Aspects of Triboparticulates,” Proceedings of the 18th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Wear Particles: From the Cradle to the Grave, Lyon, 3–6 Sept. 1991, Elsevie Science Publishers, Tribology Series 18.