1. Delft University Wind Energy Research Institute, Delft, The Netherlands
Small wind turbines sited on a flat roof have good opportunities to become widespread. They operate in the accelerated wind above the roof and deliver the power where it is needed. Since the power produced offsets that which would otherwise be bought from the utility, they reduce energy demand and bills from the utility. Furthermore excess power can be sold back to the utility, thus producing income as well. Flow over a building separates at the roof leading edge at a certain angle. Wind turbines sited well above the roof thus operate in skewed flow. H-Darrieus operating at (flat) roofs just recently start to be at public interest, operation of an H-Darrieus in skewed flow is thus not discussed in literature until now. To examine this, a model of an H-Darrieus with high Tip Speed Ratio (λ) in skewed flow is developed. The model is based on multiple stream-tube theory: a combination of axial momentum and blade element theory on an actuator plate representation of the rotor, which is divided into multiple stream-tubes. The model shows that, for an H-Darrieus designed for skewed flow, the optimal power output in skewed flow can be up to two times the power output in normal - perpendicular to the H-Darrieus axis- flow. The spatial dimension of the H-Darrieus is responsible for this.
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3 articles.