1. Crawford, R. F., 1971, “Strength and Efficiency of Deployable Booms for Space Applications,” AAS/AIAA Variable Geometry and Expandable Structures Conference, Anaheim, CA, April, AIAA Paper No. 71-396.
2. Hedgepeth, J. M., and Mikulas, M. M., “Expandable Modules for Large Space Structures,” AIAA/NASA Conference on Advanced Technology for Future Space Systems, Hampton, Virginia, May, pp. 375–379.
3. Bush, H. G., Heard, W. L., Walz, J. E., and Rehder, J. J., 1980, “Deployable and Erectable Concepts for Large Spacecraft,” 39th Annual Conference of the Society of Allied Weight Engineers, Inc., St. Louis, Missouri, May, SAWE Paper No. 1374, Index Category No. 18.
4. Bush, H. G., and Heard, W. L., 1980, “Recent Advances in Structural Technology for Large Deployable and Erectable Spacecraft,” 31st International Astronuatical Congress, Tokyo, September.
5. Vaughan, D. H., 1981, “Modular Reflector Concept Study,” NASA Contractor Report 3411, March.