1. Smith, R. E., 1995, “Marrying Airframes and Engines in Ground Test Facilities—An Evolutionary Revolution,” AIAA Paper No. 95-0950.
2. SAE Aerospace Information Report, AIR-1419, 1983, “Inlet Total-Pressure Distortion Considerations for Gas Turbine Engines,” May.
3. SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice, ARP-1420, 1978, “Gas Turbine Engine Inlet Flow Distortion Guidelines,” Mar.
4. Robinson, C. E., Smith, G. D., and Matz, R. J., 1969, “Evaluation of an Ejector—Powered Engine Simulator at Transonic Mach Numbers,” Paper No. AEDC-TR-78-69.
5. Overall, B. W., 1972, “A Procedure for the Design of Complex Distortion Screen Patterns for Producing Specified Steady State Total-Pressure Profiles at the Inlet of Turbine Engines,” Paper No. AEDC-TR-72-10.