Both the India and China have set renewable energy targets to be achieved by 2030 and 2060 respectively as India has refused the 2060 zero emission targets. The countries have adopted different initiatives such as implementation of targeted policies for enhancing investment in the development of renewable energy plants. However, India is still facing issues in achieving its desired energy targets due to the absence of a proper policy framework and other signiicant issues including inancial constraints and a lack of manpower training and skills development.
The literature review has provided clear details of the progress of India and China in achieving their targets as well as the challenges they are facing for the same. The methodology section looks at the effectiveness of selecting secondary data. This is followed by an analysis approach. This provides an overview of how these methods have been helpful for the collection of reliable information regarding green-energy initiatives in India and China. An analysis is also provided on how different renewable energy policies are guiding India and China to achieve their energy targets and the ways in which different issues are becoming obstacles to achieving desired growth. The conclusion provides suggestions for addressing the challenges faced by India and China in achieving their energy targets.
O P Jindal Global University
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