Determining the optimum layer combination for cross-laminated timber panels according to timber strength classes using Artificial Neural Networks


Gezer Engin Derya1,Birinci Abdullah Uğur1,Demir Aydın1,Öztürk Hasan1,İlhan Okan1,Demirkir Cenk1


1. Karadeniz Technical University


The primary aim of this work was to determine the effects of production parameters, such as wood species and timber strength classes, on some mechanical properties of cross-laminated timber (CLT) panels using artificial neural network (ANN) prediction models. Subsequently, using the models obtained from the analyses, the goal was to identify the optimum layer combinations of timber strength classes used in the middle and outer layers that would provide the highest mechanical properties for CLT panels. CLT panels made from spruce and alder timbers, as well as hybrid panels created from combinations of these two wood species, were produced. The strength classes of the timbers were determined non-destructively according to the TS EN 338 (2016) standard using an acoustic testing device. The bending strength and modulus of elasticity values of the CLT panels were determined destructively according to the TS EN 408 (2019) standard. According to ANN results, the optimum timber strength classes and layer combinations were determined for bending strength as C24-C27-C24 for spruce CLT, D18-D24-D18 for alder CLT, C30-D40-C30 and D18-C30-D18 for hybrid panels; and for modulus of elasticity, C22-C27-C22 for spruce, D35-D30-D35 for alder, C16-D24-C16, and D24-C24-D24 for hybrid panels.









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