1. R&D Institute, Moorim P&P Co., 3-36 Ubonggangyang-ro, Ulju-gun, Ulsan 45011 Korea
2. Seoul National University
The effects of the pre-coating color formulation, dwell time, and coat weights of pre- and top- coating layers on print mottle of double-coated paper were investigated using an octave band filtering image processing technique. To investigate the effect of pre-coating color formulations, six types of coating colors were used. Mottle index and coefficient of variance (COV) of double-coated paper increased as the size of pre-coating pigment particles decreased, which was attributed to the reduction in relative pore size of the pre-coating layer. Decreasing the dwell time decreased transfer time from the coating head to dryer of a Maiyoh coater. As the transfer time to dryer decreased, the mottle index and COV increased because of uneven distribution of latex within the coating layer. Pre-coat weight was found to have a greater impact on print mottle than the top-coat weight.