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2. Gambeeva Yu.N., Sorokina E.I. Digital transformation of the modern educational process // Izvestia of VSPU. 2020. No. 5. P. 35-43.
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4. Zadneprovskaya E.L., Poddubnaya T.N. Digitalization as a new content of the content of modern education in higher education // Modern higher education: theory and practice: a collective monograph / ed. by A.Yu. Nagornova. Ulyanovsk: Zebra, 2020. P. 293-303.
5. Poddubnaya T.N. Some aspects of digitalization of modern education // Continuing education in Russia: state and prospects: materials of reports of the X All-Russian scientific and practical conference. Rostov on/D: RostSMU, 2020. P. 245-249.