Mapping as a means of developing cognitive competence of university students


Shelekhova L. V.1,Brantova F. S.2


1. FSBEI HE «Kuban State University»

2. FSBEI HE «Adyghe State University»


The relevance. The introduction of digital technologies into the professional sphere has predetermined an increase in the amount of information necessary for successful development in professional activities. This fact involves the development of students’ skills in searching, analyzing, systematizing and mastering educational material.The problem statement: how can the interaction of visual and non-modal channels of information perception be optimized so that the process of searching, analyzing, systematizing and assimilating professionally significant information among higher school students becomes effective?The goal of the research is to substantiate the effectiveness of using mapping as a means of developing skills in searching, analyzing, systematizing and assimilating professionally significant information in the process of educational activities.The following methods of empirical research were used: questionnaires based on Google forms, conversation and testing, T-Test. The experiment involved students and teachers of Kuban and Adyghe State Universities.The results of the research consist in clarifying the content of the concept of «visualization», establishing the relationship between the purpose of using mapping and the educational result, identifying the potential of mapping in increasing the efficiency of search, analysis, systematization and assimilation of educational material.Key conclusions: The introduction of mapping into the educational process contributes to improving the perception of information through visualization of the material being studied and the introduction of a «clip» method of demonstrating information; optimizing time when learning new material due to the structure of educational information; increasing involvement in the educational process due to the optimal combination of visualization of the artistic attractiveness of the map design and the structural and logical diagram of the information being studied in one didactic toolkit.


Maikop State Technological University

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