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2. Lisovitskaya E.P. Development of technology for specialized food products based on pork, enriched with microelements: dis Cand. of Tech. sciences. Krasnodar, 2017. 190 p. (In Russian)
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4. Lisovitskaya E.P., Zabashta N.N., Sarbatova N.Yu. Environmentally friendly raw meat // Innovations in the food industry and service: a collection of materials from the III International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Kuban State Technological University. Krasnodar, 2018. P. 367–369. (In Russian)
5. Lisovitskaya E.P., Zabashta N.N., Sarbatova N.Yu. Specialized canned meat, enriched with microelements // Food industry. 2019. No. 1 (39). P. 20–22. (In Russian)