Influence of previous crops on the productivity of winter wheat varieties


Makarov A. A.1,Mamsirov N. I.2


1. FSBI «Station of «Prikumskaya» agrochemical service

2. FSBEI HE «Maykop State Technological University»


In order to realize the maximum potential parameters of winter wheat productivity, it is necessary, first of all, to use high-yielding varieties with optimal quality indicators of grain, as well as progressive agricultural technologies aimed at obtaining a stable crop yield. Winter wheat places high demands on its previous crops. Insufficient amount of productive moisture in the soil or its extremely low reserves affects the yield, and consequently, the quality of winter wheat grain according to unpaired predecessors. Moreover, dry autumn during the sowing period leads to its delay, which is the reason for obtaining uneven and weak seedlings. In this regard, studies have been carried out to study and assess the influence of predecessors on the agrocenosis, yield and grain quality of promising varieties of Adel, Grom, Tanya winter wheat. According to the experimental scheme, peas, corn for silage and sunflower have been identified as the preceding crops for winter wheat. Agrotechnology in experience is generally accepted for the foothill zone of the Republic of Adygea. The results of the research made it possible to identify the most optimal of the considered predecessors in the cultivation of winter wheat, capable of providing stable yields with high quality grain. Certain differences in the photosynthetic activity of the studied winter wheat varieties for different predecessors have been noted. It has been found that the leaf area of winter wheat varieties is in the range of 30,0–33,5 thousand m2/ha. The highest dry matter content in the range of 4,9–5,0 t/ha is observed in the Grom variety, and the predecessor is peas. The largest number of grains in an ear for three previous crops is 40–43 pcs / ear for peas. It also had a fairly significant effect on the weight of 1000 grains and the grain yield of winter wheat. For example, the weight of 1000 grains of the most productive Thunder variety varied from 40,1 to 41,6 gm, depending on the previous crop. According to the results of the experiments, the highest grain yield of winter wheat within the range of 5,3 t/ha has been noted for the Grom variety when cultivated for peas. The smallest grain yield in the range of 3,8–3,9 t/ha is typical for all studied varieties of winter wheat, namely, according to the cultivated predecessor – sunflower.


Maikop State Technological University


Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine

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