1. About the current price situation. March 23, 2022 [Electronic resource] // Website of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. Access mode: https://www.economy.gov.ru/material/file/c75d16fccbbe4e2ecd22cacf25ac3c6d/23032022.pdf (In Russ.)
2. About the current price situation. April 20, 2022 [Electronic resource] // Website of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. Access mode: https://www.economy.gov.ru/material/file/2d42fa2dd7638aaf1b630ae5a6acb19e/20042022.pdf (In Russ.)
3. Business support measures under sanctions [Electronic resource] // Website of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. Access mode: https://www.economy.gov.ru/material/directions/sanctions_measures/ (In Russ.)
4. S&P Global Market Intelligence [Electronic resource]. Access mode: https://www.spglobal.com/marketintelligence/en/
5. The first poll of the Central Bank after tough sanctions. What can await the Russian economy [Electronic resource]. Access mode: https://www.rbc.ru/economics/10/03/2022/622a1c289a7947821fa7a5e2 (In Russ.)