The Anystidae are a family of over 100 species of predatory mites commonly seen in soils and on plants worldwide. A few species of genus Anystis have potential as biocontrol agents against some insect and mite pests. Herein I provide a review of the lifespan of the Anystidae as part of a series on the lifespans in the Acari. The full life cycle in this family includes six immature stages (the egg, prelarva, larva, protonymph, deutonymph and tritonymph) and adult males/females. Life history data are only available for a few species. Developmental times from eggs to adults (44 to 82 days at 21 or 22 °C) were reported for three Anystis species. The total lifespan was measured for only one species (Anystis agilis): 66 days at 21 °C. There are two to three generations per year for Anystis species in the field. Summer aestivation was reported for Anystis baccarum, either as eggs or tritonymphs; aestivating tritonymphs may have a developmental time and total lifespan of over 200 and 300 days, respectively.
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