The study of the Heteroptera (Hemiptera) fauna of the El Impenetrable National Park, resulted in an inventory composed of: Alydidae (2 spp.), Aradidae (1 sp.), Belostomatidae (5 spp.), Berytidae (1 sp.), Blissidae (1 sp.), Coreidae (11 spp.), Corixidae (2 spp.), Geocoridae (1 sp.), Gerridae (1 sp.), Hebridae (1 sp.), Largidae (4 spp.), Lygaeidae (5 spp.), Miridae (17 spp.), Nabidae (1 sp.), Notonectidae (1 sp.), Oxycarenidae (1 sp.), Pachygronthidae (1 sp.), Pachynomidae (2 spp.), Pentatomidae (16 spp.), Pleidae (1 sp.), Pyrrhocoridae (1 sp.), Reduviidae (30 spp.), Rhopalidae (5 spp.), Rhyparochromidae (12 spp.), Saldidae (1 sp.), Scutelleridae (2 spp.), Tingidae (1 sp.), and Veliidae (1 sp.). These findings include six new records for the Argentinean fauna: Prytanes foedus (Stål), Saldula pallipes (Fabricius), Camirus brevilinea (Walker), Atopozelus opsimus Elkins, Doldina bicarinata Stål, Rocconota sextuberculata Stål; and 39 new records for Chaco Province.
Reference133 articles.
1. Ashlock, P.D. (1970) A revision of the genus Lipostemmata Berg (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Lygaeidae). Occassional Papers University of Connecticut (Biological Sciences), 1, 299–309.
2. Bachmann, A.O. (1962a) Notas sobre Corixidae (Hemiptera) (tercera serie). Acta Zoologica Lilloana, 18, 139–145.
3. Barber, H.G. (1930) Essay on the subfamily Stenopodinae of the New World. Entomologica Americana, 10 (3–4), 215–224.
4. Barber, H.G. (1953) The genus Pachybrachius in the United States & Canada with the description of two new species (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae). Journal of the New York Entomological Society, 60, 211–220.
5. Berg, C. (1878) Hemiptera Argentina (continuación). Anales de la Sociedad Científica Argentina, 6 (1, 3 & 6), 23–36, 129–141 & 261–284.