Systematics of Dynastor Doubleday, [1849] (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Satyrinae, Brassolini)




Dynastor Doubleday, [1849] (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae: Brassolini) is an exclusively Neotropical genus, occurring from Mexico to Argentina. Adults have crepuscular habits, while the larvae are unique in Brassolini in feeding on bromeliads (Bromeliaceae). Until now, Dynastor contained three species, nine subspecies, and five synonyms (two of them generic synonyms). The present study analyzed information on the immature stages and adult morphology, with molecular and distribution data, to provide a revised taxonomic hypothesis for Dynastor species and subspecies. Analyses of approximately 380 specimens, including all species and subspecies known for the genus, supported the reinstatement of the statuses of three species: Dynastor stygianus Butler, 1872 stat. rest., Dynastor hannibal Oberthür, 1881 stat. rest., and Dynastor strix (Bates, 1864) stat. rest. One subspecies is here treated as a species: Dynastor pharnaces Stichel, 1908 stat. nov. Three new synonyms are proposed: Papilio anaxarete Cramer, 1776 syn. nov., Dynastor darius ictericus Stichel, 1904 syn. nov. and Dynastor darius faenius Fruhstorfer, 1912 syn. nov. of Dynastor darius (Fabricius, 1775). To ensure unambiguous identification of names, two neotypes were designated for: Dynastor napoleon f. maculatus Niepelt, 1922 and Dynastor populus Röber, 1927, and nine lectotypes for: Dynastor napoleon Doubleday, [1849], Papilio darius Fabricius, 1775, Papilio anaxarete, Dynastor mardonius Fruhstorfer, 1911, Dynastor darius faenius, Brassolis macrosiris Westwood, 1851, Dynastor hannibal, Brassolis strix, and Dynastor pharnaces stat. nov. The proposed taxonomic checklist for Dynastor includes seven species, more than double the previous proposals, and eight subjective synonyms (two of them generic synonyms).  


Magnolia Press

Reference87 articles.

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