The genus-group names of Mutillidae (Hymenoptera) and their type species, with a new genus, new name, new synonymies, new combinations and lectotypifications




Information is provided for 346 genus-group names used in Mutillidae, including 53 unavailable names: eight nomina nuda, seven lapsus calami, 36 incorrect subsequent spellings and two not considered valid when proposed. Of the 293 available names, 238 are currently considered valid: 208 of these are generic and 30 are subgeneric, 161 are known from both sexes, 40 from males only and 30 from females only (for the other seven one sex is uncertainly associated); of the 55 invalid names, 12 are objectively invalid (eight junior homonyms, four junior objective synonyms), 42 are junior subjective synonyms and one is a nomen dubium. Gender, type species and kind of fixation, taxonomic history and status, sex association, and distribution data are given for each available name. The following new nomenclatural acts are included: Wallacidia Lelej & Brothers gen. nov. (type species Mutilla oculata Fabricius, 1804) is proposed for Radoszkowskius sensu Lelej, 1996, 2005; Mutilla triguttata Lelej & Brothers nom. nov. is proposed for Mutilla africana André, 1895 (not Gistel, 1848); Peringueyella Nonveiller & Ć etković, 1995 and Peringeyotilla Nonveiller & Ć etković, 1997 are synonymized with Acanthomutilla Nonveiller, 1995 syn. nov. which is raised to generic status; Paralletilla Pagliano, 2005 is synonymized with Ronisia Costa, 1858 syn. nov.; Mutilla lobicornis André, 1907 is synonymized with Mutilla argenteopicta Sichel & Radoszkowski, 1869 syn. nov.; Pristomutilla curtispinosa Bischoff, 1921 and Lophotilla makalanga Bischoff, 1920 are synonymized with Lophotilla comparanda Bischoff, 1920 syn. nov.; new combinations are proposed for Apteromutilla aethra (Péringuey, 1899), comb. nov. (from Mutilla), Ceratotilla feminaeformis (Bischoff, 1920), comb. nov. (from Myrmilla), Ceratotilla inalata (Bischoff, 1920), comb. nov. (from Myrmilla) and Trogaspidia cooki (André, 1895), comb. nov. (from Mutilla and Timulla). Lectotypes are designated and illustrated for Ischioceras rugosa Provancher, 1882 (female) and illustrated for Mutilla simplicifascia Sichel & Radoszkowski, 1869 (female).


Magnolia Press


Animal Science and Zoology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics







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