1. Angas, G.F. (1859) Appendix No. 2. Donations to the Australian Museum, received during the year 1858. In: Report of the Trustees of the Australian Museum, for the year ending 31 December, 1858. Thomas Richards, Government Printer, Sydney, pp. 4–8.
2. Angas, G.F. (1860) Appendix No. 2, Donations to the Australian Museum, received during the year 1859. In: Report of the Trustees of the Australian Museum, for the year ending 31 December, 1859. Thomas Richards, Government Printer, Sydney, pp. 4–7.
3. Anonymous (1855a) Donations to the Australian Museum during December, 1854. Sydney Morning Herald, 36 (5482), 4. [9 January 1855]
4. Anonymous (1855b) Donations to the Australian Museum during the month of March, 1855. Sydney Morning Herald, 36 (5557), 5. [10 April 1855]
5. Anonymous (1855c) Donations to the Australian Museum during the month of June, 1855. Sydney Morning Herald, 35 [36] (5624), 5. [9 July 1855]