Review of the genus Tetralicia (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) and description of two new species of whiteflies found on avocado trees in Peru




Two new species, Tetralicia sawyeri n. sp. and Aleuroplatus martini n. sp. found on avocado (Persea americana) trees in Peru are described and illustrated. The synonymy of Aleuropleurocelus Drews & Sampson, 1956 n. syn. with Tetralicia Harrison, 1917 is proposed and a review and an illustrated key to the 39 species of Tetralicia of the world based on characteristics of the puparia is provided. Thirty-three species are transferred from Aleuropleurocelus to Tetralicia. A lectotype is designated for Aleurodes abnormis Quaintance, 1900. Aleurotrachelus gratiosus Bondar, 1923 is transferred to the genus Aleuroplatus. Paracarniella mexicana (Distant) and Adparaproba cf. yungensis Carvalho (Hemiptera: Miridae) are recorded for the first time in Peru and are important predators of both new whitefly species. Other natural enemies of these whiteflies found in the study include predatory species: Nephaspis isabelae González (Coccinellidae), Chrysoperla sp., Ceraeochrysa sp. (Chrysopidae) and Gasteracantha cancriformis L. (Araneidae) as well as Encarsia brasiliensis Hempel, a common whitefly parasitoid in the Neotropics. A key to the New World genera of whiteflies similar to Aleuroplatus and Tetralicia is provided.  


Magnolia Press


Animal Science and Zoology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

Reference100 articles.

1. Baker, J.M. (1937) Notes on some Mexican Aleyrodidae. Anales del Instituto de Biología de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 8, 599–629.

2. Bemis, F.E. (1904) The aleyrodids or mealy-winged flies of California with citation to other American species. Proceedings of the U.S. National Museum, 27, 471–537.

3. Bink-Moenen, R.M. (1983) Revision of the African whiteflies (Aleyrodidae) mainly based on a collection from Tchad, Monografieen van de Nederlandse Entomologische Vereniiging, Amsterdam, No. 10, 1–211.

4. Bink-Moenen, R.M. (1989) A new species and new records of European whiteflies (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) from heathers (Erica spp.), Entomologist’s Gazette, 40, 173–181.

5. Bondar, G. (1923) Aleyrodideos do Brasil. Official State Publisher, Bahia, 182 pp.







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