Phylum Nematoda: feeding habits for all valid genera using a new, universal scheme encompassing the entire phylum, with descriptions of morphological characteristics of the stoma, a key, and discussion of the evidence for trophic relationships




This paper details a system for classifying the trophic relationships of the entire Phylum Nematoda, together with a table specifying the categories of every valid genus. This system encompasses both the diets of nematodes and how the food is obtained. The types of evidence used to evaluate trophic relationships and the inferences that can be drawn from each are evaluated. The general morphological and ecological characteristics of each trophic type are detailed, and a morphological key is presented. This information will enable the trophic relationships of any valid genus of nematodes to be assessed, along with currently undescribed genera, provided their affinities to existing genera can be ascertained. The system and list can add value to ecological, environmental and biodiversity studies where there is no morphological information, for example in environmental sequencing or metabarcoding studies.  


Magnolia Press


Animal Science and Zoology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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