Robotic devices are more and more often used when committing crimes. Further, this trend will grow, which will significantly increase the inflicting potential of socially dangerous infringements and the harm from their commitment. Ittestifies to the necessity of an objectively formulated and relevant request for elaboration of modern approaches to criminal-legal protection of public relations associated with robotics. Such protection includes a complex of measures and ensures security of handling robots, from the moment of their creation till the moment of utilization.The work makes an attempt to elaborate the notion of criminal-legal protection of robotics and to define its content. We propose to interpret criminal-legal protection of robotics as an interconnected system of provisions shaping the criminal-legal policy in the sphere of development, production,and application of robots, as well as the liability for socially dangerous infringements committed with the use of robots and in relation to robots.
International Journal of Law in Changing World
Cited by
4 articles.