Subcutaneous, abdominal, and thoracic encapsulated fat necrosis in bowhead whales Balaena mysticetus from Alaska, USA


Stimmelmayr R12,Rotstein DS3,Sheffield G4,George JC1


1. Department of Wildlife Management, North Slope Borough, PO Box 69, Utqiagvik, Alaska 99723, USA

2. Institute of Arctic Biology, University of Alaska Fairbanks, PO Box 757000, Fairbanks, Alaska 99775-70, USA

3. Marine Mammal Pathology Services, Olney, Maryland 20832, USA

4. Alaska Sea Grant, University of Alaska Fairbanks-Marine Advisory Program, Nome, Alaska 99762, USA


We describe a case series of encapsulated fat necrosis with subcutaneous, abdominal, and thoracic locations in 7 subsistence-harvested bowhead whales Balaena mysticetus. Masses had a variably-dense fibrous capsule surrounding necrotic adipocytes and calcium salts (saponification). One animal also had prior concussive injury, pleural fibrosis, and hepatic lipoma; the other animals had no significant findings. The described condition is uncommon in bowhead whales, with 7/575 (1.2%) observed from 1996 to 2015. The exact mechanisms of development of encapsulated fat necrosis in bowhead whales remain to be determined. Encapsulated fat necrosis has been reported in other baleen whales, humans, and cows. It is usually an incidental finding during post-mortem examination that needs to be differentiated from neoplastic and inflammatory lesions, as the latter may have public health implications. Assessment of further cases in bowhead whales and other baleen whales is warranted to better understand their pathogenesis.


Inter-Research Science Center


Aquatic Science,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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