1. Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, 501 University Crescent, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N6, Canada
2. Department of Infectious Diseases and Immunology, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Florida, 2187 Mowry Road, Gainesville, Florida 32611, USA
3. Centre québécois sur la santé des animaux sauvages / Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative, Faculté de médecine vétérinaire, Université de Montréal, 3200 Sicotte Street, St. Hyacinthe, Québec J2S 8H5, Canada
4. Department of Integrative Biology, University of Windsor, 401 Sunset Ave., Windsor, Ontario N9B 3P4, Canada
5. Washington Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory and Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Pathology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Washington State University, 1940 Olympia Avenue, Pullman, Washington 99164, USA