Objectives:This study aims to estimate the emissions of nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) from South Korea's semiconductor and display industries, in alignment with the country's “2050 Carbon Neutrality” goal, and assess the impact of NF3 emissions on the national greenhouse gas reduction targets (NDC). It also investigates the current status of legal regulations on NF3 emissions under key acts such as the 『Act On The Integrated Control Of Pollutant-discharging Facilities』, the 『Clean Air Conservation Act』, and the 『Framework Act On Carbon Neutrality And Green Growth For Coping With Climate Crisis』, alongside surveying mainly South Korea’s research and development on NF3 mitigation and alternative technologies.Methods:To estimate NF3 emissions in South Korea's semiconductor and display industries, the study applied the IPCC 2006 Tier 1 calculation method. Coefficients for the estimation were derived from IPCC guidelines, corporate disclosures, building registers, and Google Earth, with corporate disclosures being utilized for estimate validation. The legal review covered 22 laws, decrees, and regulations to check for provisions regulating “NF3” or “nitrogen trifluoride” emissions from semiconductor and display facilities. Exploration of mitigation and alternative technologies was conducted through internet platforms like Web of Science, spanning five years from 2019 to 2023, in line with the timeline of Best Available Techniques discussions for these sectors.Results and Discussion:Estimated results confirmed that NF3 emissions could be a significant contribute to greenhouse gas emissions in the semiconductor industry. Comparing the estimated values with the direct emissions reported in the ESG reports of companies A, B, C, and D, it was found that the estimated values correspond to an average of 55%, 44%, 66%, and 84% of the companies' direct emissions, respectively. For companies A and B, since their ESG reports combine domestic and overseas direct emissions without distinction, the estimated values including the area of overseas operations were used for comparison. The sum of the estimated values amounts to 2.066-2.233% of the industrial sector's greenhouse gas emission targets for 2030, which suggests that this could have a significant impact on achieving national greenhouse gas reduction goals. The legislative review revealed that while NF3 is mainly managed under the 『Clean Air Conservation Act』, it is largely unaddressed in a wide range of greenhouse gas management legislation, with the exception of the 'Best Available Techniques Reference Documents' for the two industries. Research on NF3 reduction technologies seems to be relatively scarce, and the development of alternatives to the gas has also been constrained.Conclusion:The study confirms the significant impact of NF3 emissions on South Korea's greenhouse gas reduction goals, underscoring the need for national and industrial collaboration in developing NF3 emission mitigation and alternative technologies. The results are expected to serve as valuable foundational data for policy decisions on strengthening NF3-related regulations and developing mitigation technologies.
Korean Society of Environmental Engineering