Technological Modernization of an Oil Refinery: Implementing Best Available Techniques and Improving Production Environmental Performance


Petrosyan V.S.1,Erokhin Yu.Yu.2,Guseva T.V.3,Bogova M.N.2,Averochkin E.M.3


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University

2. JSC "Gazpromneft-MNPZ"

3. Research Institute "Environmental Industrial Policy Centre"


The materials of the case study aimed at assessing results of the technological modernisation of JSC "Gaspromneft-MNPZ" oil refinery are presented. The paper analyses compliance of the environmental and technological modernisation programme of JSC "Gaspromneft-MNPZ" with the criteria of the "green" investments set in Russia. It is demonstrated that both Best Available Techniques (BATs) and emerging techniques are implemented while achieved emission and resource efficiency levels either comply with the established oil refinery sector BAT-associated technological parameters (requirements) or go "beyond BAT" parameters.




Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Pollution,Ecology

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