Technology for Purifying Gas Emissions of Chemical Plants from Sulfur Dioxide Using Granular Carbonate Sludge


Nikolaeva L.A.1,Khusnutdinov A.N.1,Khusnutdinova E.M.2


1. Kazan State Power Engineering University

2. Kazan Federal University


The results of studies on purification of gas emissions (GE) with a granular sorbent based on carbonate sludge from chemical water treatment are presented. The choice of conditions for modifying carbonate sludge with a sodium silicate solution to obtain a granular sorbent has been experimentally substantiated. It is confirmed that the data obtained correspond to and complement the theoretical principles and laws of colloidal and physical chemistry, industrial ecology, which is important for the choice of engineering solutions. A technological scheme for adsorption purification with a regeneration cycle of granular sorption material based on carbonate sludge from the Naberezhnye Chelny CHPP has been developed. It was concluded that the efficiency of GE treatment increased by up to 99% when using the proposed measures. The environmental and economic indicators of the use of the resulting granular sorbent in the scheme for purifying GE from SO2 in production of sodium hydrosulfite have been calculated. The prevented environmental harm to the environment from the use of the proposed technology has been determined, as well as the cost of production of granular sorption material and the payback period.



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