Treatment and Disposal of Sewage Sludge: Assessment of Effectiveness and Efficiency for the Purposes of Tariff Regulation of Wastewater Disposal companies


Shkaredo V.A.1,Epstain A.D.2,Sambursky G.A.3,Cherepova D.A.1,Maximova A.S.1,Epiphanova M.A.2


1. Russian Association of Water Supply and Sanitation

2. Russian Technological University – MIREA

3. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia


The possibilities of economic justification for activities related to the treatment and disposal of sewage sludge are considered by assessing their effectiveness and efficiency. Two assessment methods are proposed: based on integral target indicators and based on a risk-based approach. A combined assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of production and investment program activities is recommended. It is based on the main regulatory documents regulating the field of wastewater disposal. It is noted that the use of this approach will provide regulatory and regulated institutions with an effective mechanism for economic argumentation of the process costs related to the treatment of sewage sludge.



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